European Union. European Regional Development Fund logo.
Leverage from the EU 2014 -2020 logo.


The MeriLoki project – Maritime Logistics Research Center with targeted actions provide maritime, logistics and security of supply expertise and growth for companies in Satakunta – strengthens the operations of the Maritime Logistics Research Center and regional cooperation between the various parties in the logistics chain.

The project has ended. The project page is not actively updated.


1.9.2021 – 30.8.2023

Total budget


European Regional Development Fund


Project objectives

  • The operations of Maritime Logistics Research Center are strengthened in maritime, logistics, and security of supply themes, and it’s development a to be a leading national center. Communication of regional expert ecosystem, and increased recognizability nationally and internationally.
  • Regional (and national) co-operation is strengthened within stakeholders on logistics in digitalization and green growth.
  • Use of simulations in optimization of logistical processes and validation of operational models increased and improved.

Contact information

Minna Keinänen-Toivola
Project manager

Projects steps

  • The optimization of logistics transport chains in Satakunta is innovated by starting three digitalization themes supporting green growth. The themes are:
    • distance pilotage and smart fairways
    • new digital testing environment for maritime technology
    • optimizing of maritime logistics processes.
  • As a result of the project Maritime Logistics Research Center serves needs of companies. The Research Center does leading research work, as well as products and service development in national and international contests with a unique concept.
European Union. European Regional Development Fund logo.
Leverage from the EU 2014 -2020 logo.
SAMK logo.