Taru Hyrkäs

Sean and a port on the background of the picture.

We Research: Sustainable development of the Baltic Sea’s ports increases in the Sustainable Flow project

The life and business in the Central Baltic countries in transportation of goods are extremely dependent on the Baltic Sea which is one of the busiest waters in the world. Sustainable Flow is a year-old project, the two main goals of which are to create a digital tool for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and a concept for energy savings and renewable energy production in ports.

We Research: Sustainable development of the Baltic Sea’s ports increases in the Sustainable Flow project Read More »

We Research: MUSTBE develops multidimensional stormwater solutions to protect the Baltic Sea

The need to treat and at the same time manage stormwater has increased, especially under increasingly extreme weather conditions. Increasing pressures to slow climate change have been reflected in the sustainable development plans of cities and municipalities - and thus also in the MUSTBE project.

We Research: MUSTBE develops multidimensional stormwater solutions to protect the Baltic Sea Read More »