We research

Konttilaiva auringonlaskussa, piirroskuva.

We research: Fostering students’ transversal skills in education

Transversal skills help learners adapt to changes and find meanings in their actions. The SocialBlend project focuses on developing these competences in learning. It is ERASMUS+ project conducted by partners from Finland, Belgium, Romania, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. The aim is to create a digital library for research framework, learning toolboxes, gamification best practices and teacher communication platform within the topic of transversal skills education.

We research: Fostering students’ transversal skills in education Read More »

Aurinkopaneelit Kotkan Sapokan satamarakennuksen katolla.

We research: Improving the energy efficiency of small ports

In the Central Baltic region, boating tourism is a popular way to spend holidays and leisure time. The coasts of Finland and Sweden, with their tens of thousands of islands, are a world-famous boating tourism area. At the heart of leisure cruising are destinations, i.e. small ports with their services and surroundings. With the growing pace of climate change, small ports are also under pressure to develop their operations in an increasingly environmentally friendly direction. Uncontrolled climate change may have unpredictable consequences for the future of the boating.

We research: Improving the energy efficiency of small ports Read More »

Konttirekat satamassa. Etualalla kaksi työntekijää.

We research: Digitalization as an asset for the logistics chains in the Satakunta region

In our society, almost every activity needs logistics. But logistics often goes unnoticed, especially when it is working well. Logistics is a daily, round-the-clock operation that is carefully planned, follows minute-by-minute schedules, and has an overall impact on the security of supply. Digitalization has brought the logistics industry opportunities to operate in an easier, more efficient, and more meaningful way.

We research: Digitalization as an asset for the logistics chains in the Satakunta region Read More »

Käsipareja pöydän ääressä, pöydällä palapelin paloja.

We research: Tools for well-being at work in the logistics industry

Satakunta is an export-driven region, and for that, its success and security of supply rely on skilled workforce and the functionality of transport chains. The global field creates business opportunities but at the same time challenges the productivity, the ability for change and the well-being at work of small and medium-sized companies.

We research: Tools for well-being at work in the logistics industry Read More »

Laivan koneistojärjestelmiin liittyvä ohjauspiiri, jolla säädetään laitteiston toimintaa. Piiri sisältää sähköisiä venttiileitä antureita ja toimilaitteita.

We research: Digital laboratory for pre-testing of ship building processes

Nowadays the deck and engine departments of ships have a vast amount of different digital systems which need to function seamlessly together. The gadgets and components used in the systems come from several different manufacturers and need frequent updates. These systems form separately defined entities which make operating a ship safe and possible at all.

We research: Digital laboratory for pre-testing of ship building processes Read More »